Kamis, 11 Desember 2014


Curriculum Vitae
A.     Personal  Identity
1.Complete name                                 : Vikterio Yuwanda
2.Place and date of bird                       : Blitar, Novembe 17 1994
3.Age                                                   : 20
4.Address                                             : jl.siraman barat02  kec.kesamben  kab.blitar
5.Cell phone number                           : 085649779249
6.E-mail                                               : vikterioyuwanda@gmail.com

B.     Education Background
1.      Diploma 3 engineering state of polythecnic Malang
2.      Senior High School (SMAN) 1 Kesamben

C.     Exerience
1.      Training experiences

2.      Work experiences

D.     Special skill

I here by state that all information on the Curriculum Vitae above is true.

                                                                                    Malang, 10-12-2014

                                                                                    Vikterio Yuwanda

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